Saturday, May 14, 2011


TPAK fits within the realm of the goals set by Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory. By incorporating TPAK and the TIP method, a teacher can develop unit plans that touch on many, if not all, the MI's - which benefits all students. Just as TPAK strives to get teachers to focus on having technology, pedagogy, and content all work together to form a cohesive unit plan, TIP gives the instructor the framework for achieving this. Technology Integration Planning involves 6 phases, phases that we all do as teachers as we develop any new unit or project - but TIP encourages us to focus on the relative advantage aspects of technology can offer us. I would also throw out there that teachers should challenge themselves to look to include as many MI choices/aspects as possible - let's walk through a quick example.

Students will come to understand important cultural aspects of different European nations by planning a trip through six European countries and create a visual diary.

Phase one: What is my technological pedogogical content knowledge?: I have a solid pedogogical knowledge - may need to focus on a few aspects of MI of individual students. Technologically, students may be farther ahead than I am. I may need to walk myself through it to make sure I understand what problems might arise.

Phase two: Why should I use a technology-based method?: There is a definite relative advantage to using the internet and having students create a power point presentation diary. Students find textbooks about geography boring and far removed from their world. By having them research actual places on the internet and where travellers go when visiting these places, geography can take on a much more 'real' experience for them. Students also have more fun writing about something when they incorporate fun music, graphics and transitions in a power point presentation. This also gives them a more realistic, true lesson about Europe, since they could, in theory, actually take the trip they plan out.

Phase three: How will I know students have learned?: A scoring rubric for their power point will be used to score the final presentation.

Phase four: What teaching strategies and activities will work best?: Students will need time to plan the trip, research on the internet and create a final power point presentation. My role as teacher should be much more advisory than instructing as students are fairly well versed in both internet research and power point techniques.

Phase five: Are essential conditions in place to support technology integration?: Students will need enough scheduled lab time to work on project. Many can do research at home, but the power point aspect should be done at school. Time may prove to be the biggest constraint to this project.

Phase six: What worked well? What could be imporved?: By evaluating daily how the students are doing, having them critique the project at the end, and having 80% of students have a better appreciation of European culture, I will be able to determine if project was successful, should be tweaked in the future, or simply not done again.


  1. Wow! Great post and great lesson idea. You could even have students use Google Earth to create a virtual tour instead of a powerpoint or give them an option. So cool! I also really liked the TIP method as a practical way to plan a student-centered, clear lesson with technology really integrated, not simply included.

  2. Thanks Melanie - when I used to do this project with students, Google Earth didn't exist, but you are right,it would be a great addition to this project. The kids used to have lots of fun creating these 'trips' and diaries. And I learned lots of things too - which is one way I figure I have a successful lesson/unit for the students.

  3. Great post! I liked your example and agree that we need to help students see how important history and geography are especially outside in the real world. We are the "immigrants" in technology but we are the teachers and adults and we have had more experience so we need to be able to harness that and bring the importance of it to our students and this was a great vehicle for that!

  4. Hi Meredith! This is a great post! Thank you for sharing this lesson. Your example really helped to clarify the TIP model and I now feel like I have a better understanding of how TIP can be used to design successful lessons incorporating technology.
